A Grown Up Now. In Theory.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Weird Feeling

And so here I sit, back in front of my computer in Hull, where so many of my posts on this blog have been written. It almost feels surreal. I'm struggling to come to terms with the fact that summer is over. I'm back here in this damn seat again, after such an amazing time the past few months... it just doesn't seem right to have to hit the earth with a bump, and for everything to be the same once more.

Sure, I have many tales to tell. I think I bored my friends with an almost one hour discussion of American life and my experiences out there. And every now and then I keep coming back with another, "When I was in America..." anecdote because there's almost limitless things I could keep telling them based on almost relevant conversations. I think they'll get fed up with that very quickly. I haven't even showed them my pictures yet. I suppose I might fire up my scanner to post a few on here just to brighten things up.

I have a week in which to get things straight. It's weird that here in this house I no longer have any more fears. I'm not quite used to the fact that it is now no longer possible for the front door to fly open and my Evil Ex-Housemate to storm in and make a bundle of noise. This house is now free. I can do what I like. It seems my new housemates have also thought the same... the kitchen is a disaster area right now. This will be curtailed shortly.

We are also going to have fun because of the fact that right now we do not have a functioning oven. We're going to have to pester the landlord. A lot. I can't live without an oven.

And so... I say goodbye to my family once more. They've been a great help as always and have bought me plenty of food and supplies to last me through a week (and beyond in the case of soap powder). Other than that, it's back to standing on my own two feet again. And working hard. Boohoo.


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