A Grown Up Now. In Theory.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Winning Yet Losing

Just a quick post to take note of the fact that once again, we won Tuesday's Quiz Night at the Student Union, with a massive 53 out of 60, and the nearest contenders at 48.

So, to celebrate this win, we decided we would pick box number one of three this time. And yes, once again, we picked the box without the cash prize in it. In fact, we picked the booby prize again - a small yellow pen.

Two wins and two booby prizes now. A 1 in 9 chance of doing so. Not good.

In the meantime, one of my housemates is having such a long birthday celebration that not even the Queen could compete. Five days as a build up to the actual birthday on Sunday is a bit ridiculous. I'm told there could be 17 people in this house at the weekend. There's barely enough room to swing a cat as it is, and there are 9 people here at the moment. I guess I'll be spending a lot of time in my room for the next few days. Boredom awaits.


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