A Grown Up Now. In Theory.

Monday, February 11, 2008


This weekend (including my wonderful pre-Saturday on Friday, and now Sunday #2 today) is going well. On Friday I forced myself to sit down and concentrate on my dissertation.

And do you know what? I actually did. I took my research, which is currently lying scattered across my bedroom floor, and read it again. I made some spiffy graphs, and all of a sudden I was interested in the subject again. So the writing began.

I'm going to take it at a steady pace, as I think I'll get depressed if I lock myself in my room and type all day. A thousand words here, two thousand words there... and I know that sooner or later I'll get it finished.

21% is probably my estimate of where I'm at at the moment in terms of completion. Though I think I'm underestimating to make me feel better when I finish it quicker than expected. But I shouldn't tell my brain that. No, I'm trying to fool him.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday have all vanished under a cloud of typing. Probably about five hours on each day, though some of it is spent staring at the screen wondering what the hell I'm going to say next. But I always get through it. There is enough for me to say to reach my quota, without a doubt. 12,000 words is the target.

It's hard work and heavy going, but it's actually easier than writing an essay, which tends to be a lot more stuffy and filled with references to other material. This one, because it's my original research, there is nothing to reference. I am the authority on the subject. I quote my survey results, I quote the interviews I've done... and that is all that's needed. This is why I think it's going so well so far. Though I don't want to curse it. There's still a long way to go.

If I continue at this rate, I estimate I will be finished within two weeks. No later than the end of February. Which is amazing, and better than I had hoped. But there's still a long hard slog before I get there.

And I have to avoid distractions. Unfortunately, today is going to contain a rather big one this afternoon when I go and give blood. Apparently their stocks are running low at the moment, so they've called me pretty much as soon as I was available (four months since last time). Normally they wait until March and my normal next session at the University.

But that's fine. I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it (who wants to see a needle lodged in their arm draining away your hard-earned blood stocks!) but... at the very least, it will get me out of the house.

And the sun is shining too. This weekend I've only been able to enjoy it through my south-facing bedroom window. Which has actually been great. I've been typing away bathed in glorious winter sunshine.

So far, so good.


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